Remote Ancestral Healing For Kids
Remote Ancestral Healing for Kids is designed to help young ones heal and release inherited patterns and traumas from their family line.
Due my skills and experiences like the energetic-psychic healer I'm able to connect with your child essence and energetic field identifying and addressing any ancestral patterns that may impact their physical, emotional, and mental well-being - same now as in future. Staying in other realms I'm doing healing for the child, trasmuting and anchoring whole process in the sound file in same time. Healing usualy takes around 30-60 min.
This process will support their overall health and happiness, and so whole family and future generations. This gentle and non-invasive approach is perfect for kids who may be struggling with anxiety, behavioral issues, or other challenges.
You'll receive Ancestral Healing within 3-7 days since I receive your order - it will be send with descriptions how to use it, on the email adress given during purchasing the product.
DON'T FORGET to provide the child's name and age + information about repeating patterns on both sides of the family lines (in a few sentences) in order annotation.
May you support journey of your kid/s and whole family towards inner peace and emotional balance.
* You cannot afford this healing? Don't worry! We can make it by donation for you.
Email me at: and you will get what you need, regardless of your financial situation.