Remote Healing For Home
Remote Healing For Home is powerful and effective alternative to cleansing and enchancing energies of home in person.
Due my skills and experiences like the energetic-psychic healer I'm able to provide healing and balance to individuals and places, no matter time and space; In this healing I'm diving to other realms to connect with your home energetic field, identifying and addressing what's needed. Staying in other realms I'm doing the healing, trasmuting and anchoring whole process in the sound file in same time.With this healing we address any issues and/or imbalances you have in your home to promote overall well-being, vitality, prosperity and high vibration - for home itself and it's members.
And if in home live some spirits, we also help them go by this healing.
IMPORTANT:You'll receive your home healing within 3-7 days since I get your order - it will be send with descriptions how to use it, on the email adress given during purchasing the product. Healing takes usually 30-60 min and when you will use it, it's good when every member is in home that time.
DON'T FORGET to provide some information about you place - the story of the home if you know it, if you noticed something particular on what you want me to work or you just want to increase the good energy of your space, and if you feel like something else is important for me to know it - please share it too.
May you receive the Bountiful Healing in this experience.
* You cannot afford this healing? Don't worry! We can make it by donation for you.
Email me at and you will get what you need, regardless of your financial situation.